Sometimes, Impulsive is good…

I was remembering the other day when someone asked me, way back in 1981, if I would teach snow skiing to the local Special Olympics kids when I lived in Ruidoso, New Mexico.

It was during a casual conversation. Just popped up out of the blue and I said, sure. I’d be honored. Didn’t think about it, just said yes.

When I walked away from that conversation, I thought …what in the heck did you just do?

Do you know ANYTHING about mentally handicapped people? Are you a good enough skier to teach anyone anything? What in the world were you thinking?

I had already committed. I had said yes …and in my world that, yes means…yes.

Not…well I’ve had time to think about it… and…uh…

So, the day came and I just went out there, met the person I was assigned to teach and went for it. I remembered back to how I had been taught. How to snowplow, how to catch that T-Bar under your butt to get dragged up the hill of the bunny slope. I just HELPED.

To this day, it is one of the most rewarding memories in my life. I don’t remember the girl’s name… she doesn’t remember mine but we had a great day.

We both learned there are people out there that add to your life and thank GOD they don’t ponder whether they should…they just do.

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